We’re excited to announce the debut of our Stop Solitary for Kids youth-led podcast series, Not in Isolation – Voices of Youth. This podcast series centers on the experiences of young people and family members inside youth prisons and solitary confinement – and their ideas for how to change the system. Each episode will focus on an important aspect of solitary confinement and youth incarceration. Along with young advocates, our podcast guests will include widely respected experts who will share their research and perspectives on ending solitary confinement and building meaningful support for young people.
Episode 1 is available now: My Name Is Not #94677. Look for Episode 2 on July 27. To listen, follow us Apple Podcasts or Spotify, or where you get your podcasts.
Don’t forget to also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for news and updates!
Stop Solitary for Kids is an initiative of the Center for Children’s Law and Policy in partnership with the Center for Juvenile Justice Reform at Georgetown University, the Council of Juvenile Justice Administrators, and the Justice Policy Institute. This podcast is created with generous support from Arnold Ventures and the Jacob and Valeria Langeloth Foundation.
To support Stop Solitary for Kids, please click the donate button below. All funds go to the Center for Children’s Law and Policy.