Stop Solitary for Kids held a campaign launch event at the National Press Club on April 19, 2016. Our speakers addressed the systemic impact of solitary confinement, its personal impact on the lives of youth and families, and the perspectives of correctional administrators. The event highlighted effective strategies to eliminate solitary and specific examples of success. Speakers included U.S. Senator Cory Booker, the Administrator of the federal Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention; and the leaders of four state agencies that have reduced solitary confinement:
- Christine Blessinger, Executive Director of the Indiana Division of Youth Services;
- Peter Forbes, Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Youth Services,
- Linda Janes, Assistant Director of the Ohio Department of Youth Services; and
- Fariborz Pakseresht, Director of the Oregon Youth Authority
To watch video of the launch event, click here or play below.
To read more about the campaign, see coverage by:
National Public Radio, Juvenile Justice Information Exchange, Huffington Post (April 2016), Chronicle of Social Change, Cleveland Plain Dealer, Indy Star, Human Rights Watch, the Crime Report, and the Annie E. Casey Foundation.